The originators and the easy lotions wiped with tissue increased in number in three types, and quality also improved!
"Lotion without washing" which reigned as a time-tested lotion of NLS with Peace's accomplished large evolution at last in only one year after sale!
This lotion that the merit of unprecedented user-friendliness of "only wiping with tissue" was popular, and gained greatest support with masturbator regular users though it was the characteristic that "PePe" etc. is opposed.
The comfortable supreme lotion called the ability to sleep as it is is full of the charm which cannot be parted with once it uses, feeling the comfortable reverberation of masturbator.
As it is, the concept "super-low viscosity" is adding the new type of "being as moist as "hard"", corresponds to a broader use, and also suits this time high stimulus type masturbator which was unsuitable until now.
Furthermore, the type was also conventionally developed as a "standard", and the combination ingredient was improved from the start so that the contents might also raise easy [ to skin ].
It adds without a moisturing ingredient (aloe extract) or a blood-flow promotion ingredient (a garlic extract, L-arginine), and is standard combination to all the types about an ingredient good for skins, such as antibacterial properties and a deodorization ingredient (persimmon tannin extract).
The height of the safety centering on a natural ingredient is also boast.
Moreover, it is safe also in the direction which can remove a package now easily by having changed into the wrapping printing type, and lives together with the family although it was a bottle printing type till the former.
It totally looks like a normal skin care lotion.
The rebirth which made the quality of the lotion itself raise and whose pleasure properly used by the kind of masturbator or the feeling of the day also increased by having become three types "washing unnecessary lotion."
The day which a spur starts old popularity increasingly and serves as "a must item of masturbator" does not seem to have a long distance so, either.
Tags: 日本rends免清洗潤滑液【熱感型】145ml, feb, new, items japan, lubricating
Liquid VibratorFormulated with Amazonian ActivesInstant Vibrating and Warming SensationsMade In Portugal With a Brazilian Formula Exclusive and groundbreaking Orgie formulation for Europe, employing high-end raw mat...
Men's Max Fitty Lotion is the latest high quality lubricant in the Men's Max series. Its shelf-life period is 5 years and it is listed in the category of "Drug and cosmetic products" in Japan. For Misty HIP, it is perfec...
Okamoto 0.01 lubricantI insist on "easy to use." As a dissatisfied with the use of lubricants, many times referred to as "cleanliness" and "drying speed." So two types of Okamoto Zero One lotion are prepared, easy-...
潤爽可食用水溶性潤滑劑已通過皮膚耐受性測試,不致敏,易清洗,更自然。在潤滑劑的基礎上增加口交作用,為你提供各色水果香味,情侶間調情使用、增添情趣,誘惑你的味蕾,令你在口交過程中垂涎三尺,陶醉得不能自已。(甜蜜櫻桃,絲絲入扣給你甜蜜好心情) 取適量潤滑劑塗抹於生殖器或身體任意部位,自由發揮,盡享舌尖美味,體驗無盡激情的前戲。 本品應放在兒童無法接觸的地方,避免接觸眼睛或皮膚破損處,儲存陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光照射,孕期禁用...
由GPROJECT 和中島全新研發出來的酒精潤滑油,由日本著明插畫師高階@聖人繪製插圖。加入了酒精成份,使用家手淫時加強消毒作用。中黏度,透明顏色,微辛氣味有點近似消毒洗手液。偶爾有時候會嫌拿出名器使用和清洗麻煩,想來個手控就很適合使用這款潤滑油,微微酒精能減少難聞氣味並帶有殺菌功能。略帶點和溫感潤滑油不同的微暖感,極適合用於人體按摩,為愛侶帶來微溫和潔淨衛生的呵護。 - 酒精成份潤滑油 - 溫感 - 無色 - 微香味 ...
潤爽可食用水溶性潤滑劑已通過皮膚耐受性測試,不致敏,易清洗,更自然。在潤滑劑的基礎上增加口交作用,為你提供各色水果香味,情侶間調情使用、增添情趣,誘惑你的味蕾,令你在口交過程中垂涎三尺,陶醉得不能自已。(清香椰子,享盡沙灘風情) 取適量潤滑劑塗抹於生殖器或身體任意部位,自由發揮,盡享舌尖美味,體驗無盡激情的前戲。 本品應放在兒童無法接觸的地方,避免接觸眼睛或皮膚破損處,儲存陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光照射,孕期禁用! 成分...
Lube Tube CoolFeatures:Water-Based LubricantMenthol Cooling SensationLube Tube is not sticky and easy to clean up and wash-out.Made In Portugal With a Brazilian FormulaDescription:Lube Tube Cool is a water-based, odorles...
Lube Tube Xtra LubricationFeatures:Water-Based LubricantExtra Long Lasting EffectLube Tube is not sticky and easy to clean up and wash-out.Made In Portugal With a Brazilian FormulaDescription:Lube Tube Xtra Lubrication i...
AG+PLUS 銀離子 玩具專用抗菌慕斯隨身瓶 80ml 細緻泡沫迅速抗菌去味 讓您隨身攜帶隨身潔淨 日本A-ONE出品 由日本A-ONE出品,銷售頗受好評的AG+銀離子系列,推出銀離子抗菌慕斯隨身瓶,讓您隨身攜帶,隨身清潔。首創泡沫式壓瓶,能夠擠出細緻的泡沫,降低溼氣的不適,迅速抗菌迅速揮發。 1.不刺激,可運用在潔淨生活的多方面。 2.添加分解除臭抗菌的鈦、鋅、銀,給您強大的保護。 ...
JEX魔幻巡遊按摩潤滑液濃郁型滑溜濃厚, 就像身體乳液一樣。水溶性中黏潤滑液, 滋潤順滑感令性愛更舒適。只需用清水沖洗便可洗淨, 簡單方便。特別防漏防滴設計, 更衛生並可告別擺放時滲漏的煩惱。 - 水溶性 - 中黏 - 質地濃厚 - 滋潤順滑 - 無色無味 - 特別防漏防滴設計 日本製造 ...
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SKYN condoms are revolutionary condoms made from a scientifically formulated material called Polyiso.....
商品尺寸:均碼(FreeSize),彈性佳,一般適合身高155-175cm的女性,不排除個體差異! 洗滌方式:40度以下水溫手洗,不可漂洗,不可高溫熨.....
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Liquid VibratorFormulated with Amazonian ActivesInstant Vibrating and Warming SensationsMade In Port.....
Lube Tube Xtra LubricationFeatures:Water-Based LubricantExtra Long Lasting EffectLube Tube is not st.....
Lube Tube CoolFeatures:Water-Based LubricantMenthol Cooling SensationLube Tube is not sticky and eas.....
AG+PLUS 銀離子 玩具專用抗菌慕斯隨身瓶 80ml 細緻泡沫迅速抗菌去味 讓您隨身攜帶隨身潔淨 日本A-ONE出品 由日本A-ONE出品,銷售頗受好評的AG+.....
Okamoto 0.01 lubricantI insist on "easy to use." As a dissatisfied with the use of lubricants,.....
由GPROJECT 和中島全新研發出來的酒精潤滑油,由日本著明插畫師高階@聖人繪製插圖。加入了酒精成份,使用家手淫時加強消毒作用。中黏度,透明顏色,微辛氣味有點近似消毒洗手液。偶爾有時候會嫌拿出名器使.....
JEX魔幻巡遊按摩潤滑液濃郁型滑溜濃厚, 就像身體乳液一樣。水溶性中黏潤滑液, 滋潤順滑感令性愛更舒適。只需用清水沖洗便可洗淨, 簡單方便。特別防漏防滴設計, 更衛生並可告別擺放時滲漏的煩惱。 - .....
Men's Max Fitty Lotion is the latest high quality lubricant in the Men's Max series. Its shelf-life .....
Men's Max Fitty Lotion is the latest high quality lubricant in the Men's Max series. Its shelf-life .....
Men's Max Fitty Lotion is the latest high quality lubricant in the Men's Max series. Its shelf-life .....
Long and slim vibrator with curved toy end for intense G-spot stimulation Very suitable for women a.....
產品基本資訊 商品名稱: 巨乳女王 顏 色: 肉色 產品類型: 半身倒模 材 質: 賽肌soft skin® 商品淨重: ≈12.5kg 產品尺寸: .....