本品採用最符合人體工學原理之百分百純「物理真空運動術」故絕無任何副作用無需軟膠密封圈即可使用,這款鍛鍊自我進而挑戰忍耐極限(千萬要忍住,別就此一洩千里) 。 透明管筒,那話兒的變化一目了然,安全閥設計,絕對超值產品。本產品是集自慰勃壯一體的套裝。許多行家都讚不絕口,能緊密包含陰莖,完全真空吸吮,令你春風蕩漾,如癡如醉。
■材質: ABS
■規格: 尺寸詳如圖片
Tags: maximizer, worx, limited, edition, 真空吸引陰莖助勃器(黑), oct, new, items penis, enlarger
全球熱銷的猛男陰莖水壓泵 史上首創,水幫浦鍛鍊器 操作便捷,更省時省力 符合人體工學,舒適安全 水為介質,安全潤滑更舒適MADE IN ENGLAND 全系列英國製造原廠進口 Bathmate - Hydromax 巨龍培養瓶 X40 是全球最出名,亦是最有效的陽具增大器,利用他們累積了超過6年的研究經驗,推出了全新系列X40。利用水壓原理,自然地將陽具增大,比一般的氣壓增大器更安全,更有效。只要每...
Make the confidence of the dead man! !A dream cream that can be expected to increase the size of the penis just by painting is born!It is Japan's first medicinal augmentation cream that has obtained approval for quasi-dr...
全球熱銷的猛男陰莖水壓泵 史上首創,水幫浦鍛鍊器 操作便捷,更省時省力 符合人體工學,舒適安全 水為介質,安全潤滑更舒適MADE IN ENGLAND 全系列英國製造原廠進口 Bathmate - Hydromax 巨龍培養瓶 X40 是全球最出名,亦是最有效的陽具增大器,利用他們累積了超過6年的研究經驗,推出了全新系列X40。利用水壓原理,自然地將陽具增大,比一般的氣壓增大器更安全,更有效。只要每...
Bathmate Shower Strap has an adjustable nylon strap that hangs comfortably around your neck and allows you to take a shower without having to worry about holding the pump. The hard plastic ring fitted to the end of the s...
全球熱銷的猛男陰莖水壓泵 史上首創,水幫浦鍛鍊器 操作便捷,更省時省力 符合人體工學,舒適安全 水為介質,安全潤滑更舒適MADE IN ENGLAND 全系列英國製造原廠進口 Bathmate - Hydromax 巨龍培養瓶 X40 是全球最出名,亦是最有效的陽具增大器,利用他們累積了超過6年的研究經驗,推出了全新系列X40。利用水壓原理,自然地將陽具增大,比一般的氣壓增大器更安全,更有效。只要每...
Make the confidence of the dead man! !A dream cream that can be expected to increase the size of the penis just by painting is born!It is Japan's first medicinal augmentation cream that has obtained approval for quasi-dr...
Introducing the Hydromax Xtreme, the latest edition to the Hydromax Range. The X30 Xtreme takes your hydrotherapy workout to a whole new level. It's our most powerful pump to date with the same unique globall...
The Bathmate Hydromax X20 is the ultimate male hydrotherapy pump, designed to be used in the shower or bathtub. Utilizing the amazing power of water Bathmate Hydropumps give the user an erection in a completely...
The Bathmate Hydromax X20 is the ultimate male hydrotherapy pump, designed to be used in the shower or bathtub. Utilizing the amazing power of water Bathmate Hydropumps give the user an erection in a completely...
本商品旨在以純物理鍛練的方式鑄造健碩勇壯男人!延長男性勃起時間 自慰器集於一體,讓你目睹它慢慢變大!將組件連接好,將男根送入到套筒內,你就可以按壓氣囊讓其產生負壓吸力,整體刺激男性生殖器、改善男性生殖器勃起障礙、使男性生殖器勃起,可根據個人的情況,如感到負壓過強,你可輕輕按下專屬的快速排氣閥按鈕,即可以緩解下來,可將每次的數據都記錄下來,如此長期訓練下來,可改善生殖器勃起及延長射精時間,最終以提高性生活品質為目的。 採用最...
The Bathmate Hydromax X20 is the ultimate male hydrotherapy pump, designed to be used in the shower or bathtub. Utilizing the amazing power of water Bathmate Hydropumps give the user an erection in a completely...
SKYN condoms are revolutionary condoms made from a scientifically formulated material called Polyiso.....
商品尺寸:均碼(FreeSize),彈性佳,一般適合身高155-175cm的女性,不排除個體差異! 洗滌方式:40度以下水溫手洗,不可漂洗,不可高溫熨.....
岡本全新打造 再次挑戰世界之最薄!超薄更薄 高品質 貼身享受 岡本0.01 全新登陸,讓你體驗最新的 愛愛體驗 有儲精囊設計 採用新型聚氨酯材質 更加強韌 比乳膠的抗壓力 增加.....
The ProExtender® Device was designed and developed in Denmark by a medical doctor and scientist .....
Make the confidence of the dead man! !A dream cream that can be expected to increase the size of the.....
Make the confidence of the dead man! !A dream cream that can be expected to increase the size of the.....
Introducing the Hydromax Xtreme, the latest edition to the Hydromax Range. The X30 Xtrem.....
全球熱銷的猛男陰莖水壓泵 史上首創,水幫浦鍛鍊器 操作便捷,更省時省力 符合人體工學,舒適安全 水為介質,安全潤滑更舒適MADE IN ENGLAND 全系列英國製造原廠進.....
全球熱銷的猛男陰莖水壓泵 史上首創,水幫浦鍛鍊器 操作便捷,更省時省力 符合人體工學,舒適安全 水為介質,安全潤滑更舒適MADE IN ENGLAND 全系列英國製造原廠進.....
全球熱銷的猛男陰莖水壓泵 史上首創,水幫浦鍛鍊器 操作便捷,更省時省力 符合人體工學,舒適安全 水為介質,安全潤滑更舒適MADE IN ENGLAND 全系列英國製造原廠進.....
The Bathmate Hydromax X20 is the ultimate male hydrotherapy pump, designed to be used in t.....
The Bathmate Hydromax X20 is the ultimate male hydrotherapy pump, designed to be used in t.....
Bathmate Shower Strap has an adjustable nylon strap that hangs comfortably around your neck and allo.....
The Bathmate Hydromax X20 is the ultimate male hydrotherapy pump, designed to be used in t.....
本商品旨在以純物理鍛練的方式鑄造健碩勇壯男人!延長男性勃起時間 自慰器集於一體,讓你目睹它慢慢變大!將組件連接好,將男根送入到套筒內,你就可以按壓氣囊讓其產生負壓吸力,整體刺激男性生殖器、改善男.....
本商品旨在以純物理鍛練的方式鑄造健碩勇壯男人!延長男性勃起時間 自慰器集於一體,讓你目睹它慢慢變大!將組件連接好,將男根送入到套筒內,打開電源開關讓其產生負壓吸力,整體刺激男性生殖器、改善男性.....
本商品旨在以純物理鍛練的方式鑄造健碩勇壯男人!延長男性勃起時間,讓你目睹它慢慢變大!將組件連接 好,將男根送入到套筒內,你就可以按壓氣囊讓其產生負壓吸力,整體刺激男性生殖器、改善男性生殖器勃起障.....
The Bathmate Hydromax X30 is the ultimate in hydro-technology for penis development and he.....
The Bathmate Hydromax X30 is the ultimate in hydro-technology for penis development and he.....
The Bathmate Hydromax X30 is the ultimate in hydro-technology for penis development and he.....
真空吸啜+強力震動!塗上潤滑劑,巨龍插進杯內,啟動真空吸啜!享受就是這麼簡單!舒適柔軟矽膠刺激著龜頭、傳達強力震動!按一下按鈕,輕鬆控制杯內壓力!簡易組裝、清潔非常方便!- 真空吸啜- 強力震動- 簡.....
女をよがらせる最強武器! 4種類の武器を使い分け女をイカせまくる! サイズUP+ボディUPで無敵のブラックボディに変身! ■日本NPG出品,品質保證。用途:男性情趣之用 ■材質:矽膠 ■.....
Long and slim vibrator with curved toy end for intense G-spot stimulation Very suitable for women a.....
產品基本資訊 商品名稱: 巨乳女王 顏 色: 肉色 產品類型: 半身倒模 材 質: 賽肌soft skin® 商品淨重: ≈12.5kg 產品尺寸: .....